601 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, South Building, Suite 900
For free one-on-one project support, contact your 当地区域主管. For other questions, submit a message through this form or email info@weixin360.net.
Eligible professionals can earn AIA/CES LUs (typically HSW), PDH credits and ICC credits for attending WoodWorks in-person and online events, 包括车间, 在线研讨会, 建筑之旅, 午餐和学习. Some sustainability-related programming is also registered for accreditation with the US Green Building Council. Each event page includes information on the credits available for that event.
The WoodWorks Innovation Network (赢得) includes a 动态地图 of mass timber projects across the U.S. (及以后). Select project markers on the map to read more about the building, and connect with its design/construction team members. WoodWorks also publishes case studies on a variety of wood buildings, as well as a series of mass timber business case studies. 访问我们的 大量木材 page to see these and other resources.
The WoodWorks gallery showcases Wood Design Award winners. You can nominate your project during the summer and early fall each year 在这一页. 与此同时, if your project is mass timber, you can have it featured on the WoodWorks Innovation Network (赢得) along with a profile highlighting your own skills and experience. 访问 赢得 to learn about membership opportunities.
WoodWorks offers free project support related to the design, engineering or construction of commercial and multi-family wood buildings. If you’re considering wood for a project or have a question about a project underway, 电邮或致电 当地区域主管. Note that your contact for support is the person nearest your workplace, not the project you’re working on.
访问我们的 项目援助 page and enter the zipcode for your office to find your local WoodWorks Regional Director. Note that your contact for support is the person nearest your workplace, not the project you’re working on.
Select the register link on any in-person or online event page to register for that event. 查看我们的 即将来临的事件.
601 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, South Building, Suite 900